Street Soccer USA News

Become a Street Soccer USA AmeriCorps VISTA

Street Soccer USA is a social enterprise with revenue generating leagues and tournaments that leverage private donors and corporate responsibility donations to fund in-school, after school, community based club, and adult programs that improve the future of youth and young adults. Street Soccer introduces and builds the grassroots capacity of soccer in urban areas with the goal of transferring life skills and creating a social safety net in the community for our participants. Our methodology of soccer instruction is informed by years of research and development in the field by others and informed by our own experience and expertise. Our 8 Street Soccer Skills (Show Up, Play with Heart, Look Up, Take the Space, Build Your Triangle, Praise Great Play, Play the Plan, Adjust the Plan) provide a problem solving framework that our participants can apply to every situation that life confronts them with. We are looking for hard working, goal oriented candidates who like consider themselves problem solvers and good teammates. AmeriCorps wages are low and NYC is not cheap so candidates should be prepared to be enriched by the program experience alone. If you are looking for the chance to challenge yourself, gain the opportunity to learn a lot, and take on a lot of responsibility, then this is for you. If coasting is your thing, this may not be your jam.

Duties & Responsibilities:

Database management, online research, in-person meetings, follow up communication, active role in the ultimate partnership activation, creating, utilizing, and evaluating the effectiveness based on data of various communication channels, organizing and generating material. Applicable service actives for this project include community assessment, community awareness and engagement, expand and strengthen partnerships, update materials, volunteer recruitment and management system. The VISTA will work with closely with our Development Manager, Executive Director and Founder and our COO. They will be hosted at our headquarter office but also spend time at our hub site locations when necessary.

Start and end dates: 08/08/2016 – 08/07/2017
Duration: One year
Time commitment: Full time (30-40 hours/week)
Work Schedule: Full Time
Education level: College graduate
Age Requirement: 18 and older

Inquiries and Applications should be sent to: Aja Smith – Street Soccer USA Development Manager,