Street Soccer USA News

Greatest Two Weeks in Street Soccer History

Here are the 8 reasons why this is going to be the greatest two weeks in our organization’s history!

1. This awesome article in Mashable about an amazing SSUSA success story.

2. July 1-9 2016: SSUSA Youth Travel to France for Street Football World Youth Games
Street Soccer USA is proud to send youth achievers from East New York, Brooklyn to Lyon, France to participate in goodwill games and a leadership program alongside youth from 30 other countries. Follow their trip online on our Facebook and Instagram. Not only that, but Philip from our San Francisco homeless youth program was a winner of the SAP Kick/App Challenge and will join our youth in Lyon to present his proposal with other youth from around the world.

3. July 1 2016: New Field Construction in San Francisco
Street Soccer USA is proud to unveil a new, state of the art Street Soccer Mini-Pitch at Tenderloin Children’s Playground. This is SSUSA’s third field in the Bay Area.


4. July 9 2016: SSUSA’s Times Square Cup
Last Chance to Register a Team or Volunteer at the Street Soccer USA Times Square Cup
Don’t miss the most exciting Street Soccer event on the planet!
10AM Competition Kickoff
2-4PM Youth Showcase
4PM NYC City Council Match and Welcome Ceremony
9PM Celebrity Soccer Match
9:30PM Championship Match and Trophy Presentation

5. July 9-18 2016: SSUSA Men and Women Compete in Homeless World Cup in Glasgow
Sixteen players who have overcome homelessness through SSUSA programs in 14 cities — including Minneapolis, Charlotte, Sacramento, San Francisco, Portland, and Chicago, and were chosen at our National Cup last month in Philadelphia — will represent the U.S. at the 40-nation Homeless World Cup. Follow along on Facebook and Instagram!

6. July 16-17 2016: SSUSA Union Square SF Cup in San Francisco
Register Now, volunteer or attend the Youth Showcase and Opening Round Competition Saturday July 16. Come back on July 17th for Championship Rounds and Chris Wondolowski and Friends Celebrity Match. Start a fundraising page to support SSUSA or to raise money for your teams entry.

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7. Our First Summer Camps are Starting
Between July 1st and August 30th, we will conduct our Street Soccer Summer Camps for Youth in Brooklyn (East New York, Sunset Park, Red Hook, and Flatbush) and San Francisco (Western Addition and Tenderloin).

8. SSUSA’s programming is expanding and will positively impact more lives in the year ahead. Your contribution of $204.00 will fund one child or homeless young adult’s SSUSA enrollment for an entire year. Help us bring soccer and social change to communities by donating today!