Street Soccer USA News

New York Hosts Parent Meeting to Discuss SSUSA Programs, Street Soccer Skills

Sunset Park hosted a parent meeting at Sunset Park BID to discuss future events as well as our 8 fundamental Street Soccer skills.

While the parents gathered important information, a number of our players were able to interact with strategic board games such as Sorry, Battleship, Connect Four, UNO, Jenga, and Dominos.

In addition to commenting on our program, parents were then given the opportunity to voice their insights on their child’s development.

Below are comments provided by parents through a Street Soccer survey:

“My child builds confidence in the game with dribbling and passing. He is proud to tell people he can play soccer.”

“I love when Street Soccer USA hosted a BBQ in Prospect. These are great ways to build a Community”

“My son was able to gain a sense of loyalty and Commitment to the program.”

“My son is developing a connection and friendship with kids across nationality and ethnicity in our Neighborhood. He is learning and improving so much. He loves Soccer”